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Quart! Texture Pack

The vanilla Minecraft textures come in a 16x16 resolution. The game has to render all these different pixels and that is quite detrimental to your game's performance. Reducing the texture resolution can help you increase your game performance a little bit. Less resolution would result in better frame rates. Quart! is a texture pack that will help you achieve that. This pack comes in a 4x4 resolution, which is four times less than the vanilla 16x16 textures. The developer also claims an increase of 10-20 frames per second while running the game using this texture pack. 

Although the pack comes in a lower resolution, the textures actually look really nice and smooth. The blocks have enough details that helps us distinguish them from one another. This pack would be great for those who does redstone ot for those who do PvP.

Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this pack. Download links are given below.