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Runelic Mod

With the Runelic mod installed, you can have the Runelic font in Minecraft. The font can be applied to visually any text, including signs, name tags, books and item tooltips. There are some commands that you can use with this mod. They are :

  • /runelic say - Posts a message in chat with the Runelic font. All players can use this command. The plaintext version is logged in the server console.
  • /runelic hand - Renames the held item with Runelic. Limited to lvl 2 ops.
  • /runelic book (encode|decode) - Rewrites a held book to use Runelic. Can also turn Runelic books into plaintext books. Limited to lvl 2 ops.
  • /runelic tile (encode|decode) <pos> - Rewrites a tile entity such as a sign to use Runelic. Limited to lvl 2 ops.

This is a Forge mod and download links are given below.