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Botania Mod

If you are a fantasy, magic or just flower fan Botania is a great mod pack for you. Adding a whole range of new flowers, my personal favourite being the Glimmering Light Blue Flower, new blocks and a huge range of armour, tools, clothes, magic staffs, runes, rings and potions this mod really goes all out to improve the Minecraft experience. If you've found yourself content or even bored with the old game Botania is like playing a Minecraft 1.5, everything the old game has to offer with massive extra's to discover. At first a lot of the information Botania try's to feed to you can be overwhelming, but if you craft the Lexical Botania book, (recipe being a book and any sapling) it will help you learn more of the in-game features. Overall if you're looking for a mod pack to sink some hours into, Botania is the one!