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Continuity Mod

Enables connected textures using Optifine's CTM format on Fabric, aligning with modern APIs and resource packs

Continuity is a Fabric, Indium, and Sodium port of Optifine’s CTM Format. It is built around modern APIs and provides an efficient way to connect textures and work with Optifine CTM resource packs and texture packs. It is designed with full parity in mind. Block and Item models designed for Optifine should also work, these can be made in a tool like BlockBench or Cubik Studio.

 You are able to use resource packs like Connected Textures (CTM) Overhaul or use the built-in resource packs.

There are 2 built-in resource packs.

Continuity/Glass_pane_culling_fix is to fix a bug with the culling of glass panes.

Continuity/Default is a default resource pack that adds various new connected textures such as glass, sandstone, bookshelves, and more for reference purposes.

These 2 resource packs are mostly for reference or fixes rather than for a completely new experience. If you want to take full advantage of continuity you would want to find an Optifine or Continuity-based resource pack.

The main thing in the CTM Format is for connected textures to make blocks blend in with each other, though such a thing is possible to conflict with other rendering engines or possibly shaders.

Continuity claims to require Indium to work, but it does not crash the game if you do not have it installed (at least it does not in some cases like in ours), it just does not work quite as well. Continuity is just an add-on for Indium which tries to replicate a feature for Optifine, it will not be porting to MC Forge because the rendering system there is much different and there is less reason for it to exist there because Optifine already exists and does about the same thing. If you have Optifine installed maybe on an older version of Fabric or something there is no need to have continuity.