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Dawn API Mod

Dawn API is an API that is used to make various mods for Minecraft. It is a library mod for many of the mods of the Dawn team, adding utility classes and other typical APIs for constructing mods. It aims to be available for the latest version of Minecraft at a given time and focuses mainly on builder classes to make the creation of new features easier, as well as a bunch of data fixing tools and generation.


For developers, the Dawn API can be added to the build.gradle of a Gradle project for Fabric, you need to add a few maven repositories as shown on the github, as well as some by other modders like terraformer’s and shedaniel for optional mods. You will also need to set dawn_version = [version] in the

For players, the Dawn API has its own features, which you can get just by having the mod installed. These include:

  • Extra     NBT parameters for TNT TileEntity

  • A     flying block entity that is similar to a flying falling block 

  • /export     command, which can be used to export information about a game’s     content.

  • /motion     command, which lets you control the motion and velocity of entities.

  • /foodbar     command lets you change the hunger and saturation of entities.

  • /health     command lets you control the health of entities.

Most of the features are mostly about controlling various elements of blocks and entities, which could be useful for some modpacks and maps, mob battles, or just having fun. Dawn API also has a contributor’s guide on their GitHub for people who want to add their own stuff, which also explains how to get started with development. Dawn API necessitates the use of Fabric API or Quilted Fabric API.Dawn API is mostly for Fabric in general.

The developers of Dawn API are also behind Promenade, Culinaire, Artisanat, Mubble, Universal Ores, and other primarily Fabric mods, some of their mods use Dawn API, so if you use them you may want to get Dawn API.

Dawn API also has built in compatibility with Cloth Config, Mod Menu, and AppleSkin.