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Divine Missions Mod

Divine Missions is quest mod that adds a random quest system into Minecraft. The quests can be enjoyed as fun challenges and the difficulty ranges from easy quests like crafting food items to hard quests like killing several dozen mobs and other challenges along with them. To start off, you need to craft a Shrine block. A shrine block can be crafted using a diamond, one crafting table and a block of gold. Once the Shrine block is crafted, you need to place it down and right click on it. Right clicking on the block will open a GUI that contains several quests for you to complete. From the list of quests you can select quests based on it's difficulty and rewards. On finishing the quest, you need to right click in order to claim the rewards. 

This is a Forge mod and requires Library of Exile to work. Read the installation instructions carefully. Download links for the mod are given below.