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Spice of Life: Carrot Edition Mod

The Spices of Life: Carrot Edition mod adds a fun side quest to Minecraft. Although it feels like a side quest, the effects of this mod will affect your main gameplay and for that reason, you can treat the challenges added by this mod as you main quest. The mod keeps track of how many unique foods a player has eaten. As the player passes set milestone on the number of food items they have eaten, they can unlock permanent extra hearts. In order to max out their health bar, the player will have to find and craft exotic food items. The mod is highly configurable and you can customize the milestones required and the hearts unlocked. 

This mod also features 3 commands:

  • /foodlist size
    Tells you the number of unique foods you've eaten, as well as and how many more you need to eat until your next milestone.
  • /foodlist clear
    Clears the stored list of unique foods a player has eaten and resets their heart count. This is useful for testing when editing the config or when you want to start over.
  • /foodlist sync
    Forces a sync of the food list to the client, for when something went wrong and it's mismatched.

1.13+ Configuration (IMPORTANT)

In post-1.12, Forge switched to a new config system, which means SoL: Carrot has two (3 if you count defaults) places to configure it now. The client-side configs (like visual options) are in the regular config folder and aren't synced between server and client. The server-side configs (like milestones or the blacklist) are stored in a serverconfig folder (even in singleplayer!) within each world and synced to the client, for example saves/[your world name]/serverconfig/solcarrot-server.toml. You can provide default values for these by placing a copy in the defaultconfigs folder, i.e. at defaultconfigs/solcarrot-server.toml.

This is a Forge mod and download links are given below.