
2439 views 366 downloadsMay 28, 2022 May 28, 2022

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Enriched Mod

Enriched is an amazing mod that changes many aspects of Minecraft. The mod adds a few new biomes into the game, like Redwood forest, Diverse forest, Desert mountains, Extreme mountains, etc. All of these biomes can be found throughout your world while exploring. The mod also adds 5 new materials into the game, namely Steel, Obsidian Alloy, Ruby, Sapphire and Tanzanite. Each of these materials come with their own armor, tool and weapon variants. Earlier, emeralds and copper weren't of much use. But with this mod, you can craft armor, tools and weapons with emeralds and copper. The mod also adds a few new blocks, that includes the ore and block variants of the above minerals and some other blocks like dark granite and marble. A bit of a downside I noticed with this mod is that the biomes cannot be located using the /locate command. Hopefully, the creator adds this feature in a later update.

Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod. This is a Fabric mod and download links are given below. Read the installation instructions carefully.