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GraveStone Mod

Every time you die, a grave is placed at your position. To retrieve your items just break the grave. There is also a config option to get your items back by sneaking on the grave (1.16.3+ only). When you right-click the grave it will show information regarding the death of the player. Since version 1.16.3-2.0.0 the grave is now able to store your items back into their original slots.

The Obituary

Everytime you die you get an obituary. If you don't want that you can disable it in the config.

It contains:

  • The name of the player
  • The dimension the player died in
  • The date the player died
  • The coordinates where the player died
  • An image of the player with its equipment at the time of death
  • A list of every item the player had when he died

If you don't want to keep the obituary after you recovered your items, you can enable the automatic removal in the config