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Adds gravestones with abilities to store items, guide players back, and support mod integrations and customizations
You’re in Grave Danger is a mod that has gravestones with cool abilities. When you die, instead of all your stuff dropping, in most cases, a gravestone will generate and you will get a message saying where you died coordinates wise and you will also get a custom compass which points to that location.
When you find where you die you can either right-click (or whatever your mouse binds are) or sneak and you will get your items back and some XP, some experience, and a mob head. The mob head says the name of the user who died and will also show the mob head. Which can be helpful when you are on a multiplayer server, such as Genesis Plus. You will also be able to pick up the gravestone and put it somewhere else for decoration. The graves often also adapt to the blocks it is on and can also waterlog. When you get your items back you even get them in the same order in the inventory, and it has integration with many mods such as Trinkets, curios, inventurio, the Graveyard, Extra Inventory, Backslot, and BigInv. One issue you will have is if you mine a lot of gravestones you will get lots of compasses which cant be stacked with each other. There is also a new enchantment called soulbound and a few commands added by default (mostly for moderation).
Graves are preferable to dropping items as items often disappear. There were other similar gravestone mods such as GraveStone Mod or Universal Graves (to a lesser extent) or Gravestones (written by Modrinth’s owner), though while these mods each have their own advantages, YIGD is in general more advanced for some things unless you need things like a list. There are also other mods that do other things, such as summon a custom entity which needs to be hit to get items, but these often require multiple hits and in some cases also are not as good at getting items back, and worst of all these entities often disappear. Gamerule KeepInventory is in vanilla or a similar mod like Keep Inventory, but many players do not like that as they could consider it cheating. However officially this mod is only for Fabric. So if you need MC Forge you can use the other mods.
The mod requires Cloth Config and uses it extensively. The author wants almost everything to be configurable and considers missing config entries as missing features and not bugs. There is an extensive configuration page, it can be used to do things like change the command perms, disable the commands, disable the enchantment, and other stuff. They have a whole wiki for the config and modpack integration, and other stuff.
The author is always open to new feature and config requests on their GitHub (in the wiki) issues. Also on Github is the source code, and the mod is MIT licence which means you are able to freely fork it and make your own changes so long as you provide credit to the original authors.