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Guard Villagers Mod

Minecraft villagers are pretty vulnerable to hostile mob attacks. The only way they defend themselves is by spawning an Iron Golem. But the Iron Golem is no match for a horde of zombies, creepers and skeletons. It will die very quickly, leaving the villagers to die. The Guard Villagers mod solves this issue by adding Guards.

Guards spawn in villages in groups of 6. They have either an iron sword or a crossbow. They fight off any threat to the village, even you. The Guards will allow trusted players to open their inventory to change their armor, weapons, etc. To earn a Guard's trust, you have to earn the villager's trust. If you have the Hero of the Village effect, the Guards will follow and fight for you. This can be activated by clicking the Follow button.

Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod. This is a Forge mod and download links are given below. Read the installation instructions carefully.