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Marium's Soulslike Weaponry Mod

Marium's Soulslike Weaponry is a Minecraft mod for FabricMC which adds many new bosses and weaponry to your game. Fabric is not known for its boss mods, this is one of the best boss and weapons mods for fabric. There are also multiple different structures around the overworld, nether, and end which house some of the bosses. Each boss has its unique abilities which help them stand out from other bosses and mobs.


The Decaying King has a Sword Slam where he has a big sword and does a big swing which does a lot of damage but takes time to cool down and is not too hard to prevent. He can also shoot fireballs and explosions. This boss is found in the nether.

The old Champion’s Remains is a giant Skeleton (Similar to the Mutant Skeleton from the Mutant Creatures Mod) with a Sword and shield. The shield is used for Defence and can also be used to attack, it can be used to knock back enemies very far. He also hits with his sword which has a very long range and does a lot of damage.

Frenzied Shade is a similar-looking mob but is purple and has claws that attack and move very quickly. This boss also can float underground.

Monarch of Chaos is a Wither Skeleton Reaper-type character who shoots skulls with lightning at the target and lashes out at things with combos. He can also shoot a large number of projectiles such as tridents and moonlight or even arrows and shulkers. It can also teleport.

The Returning Knight is one of the most powerful bosses in the whole mod. He can summon a random amount of minions to fight for it. They can also charge and slam nightfall, this attack does a huge amount of damage but takes a long time to do so can pretty easily be avoided. This boss also has the ability to blind and knock you back very far. He can also move his mace and his mace creates so many vibrations that it moves surrounding mobs.

Soulmass is a mob that heals itself and shoots laser beams at its enemies and protects its owner. It also exploded upon death and weakens and slows hostile mobs nearby.


There are also smaller mobs such as the Withered Demon, Ghosts, and Chungus, some of them even come with gear that can be received when killed.


Potion effects are also in the mod. Bloodthirsty is similar to wither, but when the user is attacked it heals them. Decay weakens your armour over time and also increases the amount of damage you take while being attacked by 20%. Posture Break significantly slows down anything that has it. Permafrost causes mobs to slowly get slower and if a mob dies with this it creates an explosion that can spread the potion effect to nearby mobs.


The mod has lots of weapons and guns, some of them even have cool custom models. However, most do not do all that much more damage than vanilla gear. The bosses and structures are the most impressive part of the mod. This mod is one of the most extensive boss mods for Fabric and newer versions of Minecraft and is similar to Chocolate Quest, Twilight Forest, and OreSpawn. They do not yet have a Forge version but it is planned. GeckoLib and Fabric API are required for the mod to work and the mod also works with Better combat. The mod is also available in Chinese and Russian and there is extensive documentation on the CurseForge page.