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More Axolotl Variants Mod

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 More Axolotl Variants is a mod which adds more  Axolotls to the game. The Axolotls are similar to the existing  Axolotls in the vanilla game, but they are different colours.

These Axolotls can be spawned via the normal Axolotl spawn egg, it will randomly spawn a random Axolotl. You can still get a Vanilla Axolotl, but you also have a chance to get one of the Axolotls from this mod when using the vanilla spawn egg. The Axolotls also support having children just like other animals, just right click the floor near an existing Axolotl and it will make a mini axolotl of the same type. 

There are 2 Axolotls that may not be spawned with the spawn egg that also do not spawn naturally, these are the Skulk Axolotl and the Glowxolotl, these must be obtained with breeding. The breed axolotls you need buckets with tropical fish, but there are a large amount of Axolotls in the mod so it may take a while to get one of the existing ones.

You can spawn most of the axolotls with commands also. The command format is 

/summon minecraft:axolotl [pos] {Variant:"mavm:<variantname>"}

The Axolotls can do stuff like swim and other stuff like vanilla, and some of the variants in the mod are Lucia, Wilder, Golden, Green, Skulk, Dark, Red, Glowxolotl, White, Cyanide, and more. The glow one looks a lot like the glow squid and glows.

The mod is officially only for 1.17 and newer, however there is a backport that is endorsed by the original creators for 1.16.5 which is an addon for the Caves and Cliffs Backport Mod. The main difference is that the command uses cavesandcliffs:axolotl rather than minecraft:axolotl like this:

/summon cavesandcliffs:axolotl [pos] {Variant:<variantnumber>b}

Newer versions of the mod also  requires an api called More Axolotl Variants API. The mod also has compatibility with Axolotl Bucket Fix. 

More Axolotls Variants is a good Vanilla+ or QoL Mod to enhance your world.