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Quick Spyglasser Mod

Quick Spyglasser is a pretty useful utility mod that allows players to open and look through a spyglass without actually holding a spyglass their hands. So how is this useful? Well, the spyglass item has teo main constraints to be used. First of all, the player must have the spyglass item in their hotbar. Second, the spyglass must be held in the player's hands in order for it to be used. This means, players will have to dedicate a slot in their hotbar solely to the spyglass item and it is impossible to use any other item while the spyglass is zoomed in. This is where the Quick Spyglasser mod benefits you. This mod makes it so that the player just needs to have a spyglass anywhere in their inventory, and a keybind('C' key by default) can be used to open the spyglass. The player need not have to hold the spyglass in their hand or have a dedicated spyglass slot in their inventory. It is quick and easy.

Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod. This is a Fabric mod and download links are given below. Read the installation instructions carefully.