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Resource Tools Mod

The Resource Tools mod adds several new item into Minecraft that will make you game overall better. First, there are two resource blocks. The first one is the Well Spring block that gives an endless supply of water. Basically an infinite water source in just one block. The second resource block is the Lava Spring block that gives an endless supply of lava. Place a Lava Spring on the left, right, front, or back of a vanilla Furnace, Blast Furnace, Smoker, or Brewing Stand to provide continuous fuel. Furthermore, there are compressed variants for several blocks like Dirt, Gravel, Sand, Cobblestone, Andesite, Diorite, Granite, Basalt, Cobbled Deepslate, Tuff, and Netherrack. There are upto 3 levels of compression and this makes storage and transportation of these blocks so much more easier. They can be used for building purposes too. 

Some other features of this mod are :

  • A Furnace, Blast Furnace, and Smoker get a 4x speed boost when feed by a LavaSpring.
  • Craft Sulfur, Saltpeter, and Charcoal into Gun Powder.
  • Bamboo can be processed into leather in a three step process.
  • Light sticks on a campfire to get torches.
  • Red and Brown Mushrooms can be crafted to/from blocks.
  • Rotten Flesh can be smelted into Leather.
  • Craft (9) paper into a Ream of Paper for storage.
  • (2) blaze powder can be crafted into Blaze Rod.
  • Clay Blocks can be crafted into (9) Clay Balls.
  • (2) Slimeballs from Honeycomb, Cactus Green, and Saltpeter.
  • Make stone tools with Diorite, Granite, and Andesite as well as Cobblestone.

Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod. This is a Fabric mod and download links are given below. Read the installation instructions carefully.