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Roughly Enough Professions (REP) Mod

Roughly Enough Professions (REP) is an addon for Roughly Enough Items (REI) that allows players to access information about the Blocks/Block Entities/Workbenches needed for villagers to do their job. To access the panel, press the REI key (default is U) with an emerald or a villager spawn egg, or simply right-click the villager. Most villagers will need only one block, while others may require more. This mod works with vanilla and modded villagers, as long as they are similar to the vanilla villagers in terms of information. To find out which mod a villager is from, press shift on the profession name. This mod is not necessary unless you have many modded villagers or do not already know what they do. For an equivalent mod in Just Enough Items, try Just Enough Professions. For villager trades, a separate mod called Roughly Enough Trades is required.

Roughly Enough Professions is very similar to its Just Enough Items counterpart Just Enough Professions, just with a few slight tweaks to accommodate roughly enough items. It is written by the same people.