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Savage And Ravage Mod

The Savage and Ravage mod introduces new mobs to your Minecraft world. This mod adds new deadly and hostile mobs that are eager to kill the players and take villager souls away.

The mobs added by this mod have traits and abilities which are different from the vanilla Minecraft mobs, making them unique. With this mod, you can find a new mob variant of the vindicator. This mob chases its victim and summons an ice biome above them. This freezes the player or villager and decreases their health; doing this many times can kill the player.

Another mob, helpers of the pillagers, are called goblins. As the name suggests, these mobs attack villages, grieving their items and taking everything away from the village. They also destroy crops and return to pillager outposts.

One of the most dangerous mobs is the TNT mob. This mob is a walking TNT, which can summon the creepies (another little creeper mob added by this mob) in front of the players, that explodes and kill them. These mobs stay away from players and attack from distances, making it difficult to kill them.

In addition, the Executioner mob equips the long sword and attacks the villagers and players with it, killing them with a few hits.