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Storage Drawers Mod

2274 views 106 downloadsNov 22, 2022 Jan 2, 2025

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Storage Drawers is a mod which adds specialised storage drawers into the game. The ideas of Jabba and Bibliocraft influence it. They are compact and serve a particular æsthetic function separate from these mods, more complementary than competitive. 

Instead of a traditional inventory system, you use a click-based interaction system similar to Jabba. Different click combos do various tasks. 

  • Right-clicking: Puts a full stack of the item in your hand into the drawer (if it can’t fill the full stack, it will put as much as it can) 
  • Double Right Clicking: Puts all compatible stacks from an inventory to a drawer until it fills or you run out of items. 
  • Left Click: Removes a single item from the selected drawer. 
  • Shift Left Click: Removes a full stack from the selected drawer Shift Right Click with an empty hand: Opens the selected drawer’s UI to see the items, their quantities, and the ability to upgrade the drawer. 

Note for players of the Jabba mod: The shift-click functionality is reversed from Jabba due to Jabba being more optimised for stacks while Storage Drawers is more optimised for single items; however, the controls can be customised in the config. 

You can use multiple different vanilla wood variants (add-ons can add custom variants which many mods do), and there are numerous different sizes, with the biggest supporting 32 stacks. The upgrade path is not sequential; you can jump levels to your preferred size. You can also lock your drawers with keys to protect your stacks. 

There are indicators on the storage drawers to indicate how full they are, and they light up when it is full. 

There is another type of drawer, which is grey, called Storage Drawers. These let you automatically convert things like ingots and similar items into storage block formats or other items based on repeated items used to make another item, which is common in many tech configurations. You can also combine drawer inventories via a Drawer Controller and connect drawers via pipes or trims (a wood decorative panel block used to connect), which allows you to interact with large groups of drawers. Controllers can also be used as deposit-only blocks for items that already exist in the network and will be done if you double right-click. The drawer controller is similar to that of Refined Storage’s network system. 

One kind of drawer is a Controller Slave, similar to a drawer but cannot be shared; however, controller slaves have better performance than traditional drawers.

Storage Drawers has integration with lots of mods and also has lots of add-ons (especially 1.10.2 and newer). Storage Drawers is supposed to be a complementary storage mod, not a replacement one. Storage Drawers are supposed to be used with other mods. Storage Drawers are also typical in many tech setups for their ease of use and auto compression. 

  • Drawers complement BiblioCraft’s blocks.
  • Drawers worth with Jabba’s Dolly Aspect labels exist for Thaumcraft for hard-to-distinguish items related to essentia 
  • Drawers are compatible with AE2s storage buses, and it is the suggested way for seeing contents WAILIA will list the inventories and counts of Drawers
  • A MineTeaker exists to help control the ore conversion allowlist/denylist. 
  • Compact drawers list the number of items that can be made, even if they can not all exist simultaneously.

 The mod has an extensive config which allows you to change many of the values and even whether or not a block should be enabled. It is possible to modify this from MC Forge’s config screen. You are also allowed to include this in modpacks, including public ones. 

Note: Chameleon is required for the 1.8-1.12 versions of the mod.