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Terraqueous Mod

Terraqueous is a mod that adds a lot of new content to Minecraft. With this mod, players can enjoy a wide range of new features including new fruit trees, beautiful flowers, decorative items, and more. The mod aims to enhance the natural beauty of the game and adds unique items to the Minecraft world.

One of the features of this mod are the fruit trees that spawn in the world. You can find fruit trees such as apple, pear, peach, mango, orange, lemon, cherry, plum, coconut, and banana. Each tree has its oen unique wood, fences, and doors, providing you with more building options.

The mod also adds blocks for building which include pergolas, the roof, lattice fence, and a lattice fence gate. The mod changes the appearance of the pergolas blocks based on the surrounding pieces, and you can choose from various colors. You can also create the flying houses and castles using the cloud blocks.

In addition to the fruit trees and pergolas, Terraqueous adds sixteen different colored flowers that you can use for decoration to create the dye. You can also find types of planter pots for additional decoration.