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Wurst Mod

3463 views 270 downloadsJan 30, 2023 Jan 30, 2023

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Wurst is a mod that gives you advantages. It allows you to perform block telemetry, walk on water, walk on scaffolds, get PVP assistance, excavate, find items, and more.It has a menu that can be accessed by pressing the right control key on your keyboard, but this can be changed in the settings. Clicking this gives you a list of a bunch of utilities you can use and the ability to easily change settings. This screen used to look very cool and have a search button, but no longer has the search button and instead tries to mimic other similar mods, though it still looks pretty good. Utilities can also be accessed with commands that start with dots (.).

There are many mods similar to Wurst, some of them are free, while others cost money. Wurst is one of the most popular utility mods common on multiplayer servers. Some people consider it a cheat client because it can do some stuff that normal players can't do, but there are also some non-cheat features it has, such as automation, an example of this would be the excavation feature or the tunnel feature, which help get rid of much of the digging for terraforming projects; treebot, which automatically finds and chops down trees, as well as some auto clicking features for automatically clicking. Wurst like other utility clients, is recommended on many anarchy servers like 2b2t.

There are many cool features in Wurst. A few of them are:

  • Blocking Telemetry
  • Fullbright – Turns the Brightness to Max
  • ItemESP – Highlights Item entites
  • MobESP – Highlights Mobs
  • BaseFinder - Highlights areas that are suspected of being tampered with by players.
  • CaveFinder – Highlights Caves
  • MobSpawnESP—Highlights areas where mobs can spawn and when they can spawn.
  • ChestESP – Highlights chests
  • NoFall – Prevents the player from taking fall damage.
  • Nuker – Digs area around Player
  • ScaffoldWalk - When you walk on the edge, it automatically places blocks beneath you.
  • KillAura – Automatically kills nearby entities.
  • MultiAura – KillAura but on multiple Enemies
  • Excavator – Digs a selected area with the tool you are holding.
  • NoWeb – Webs don’t slow you.
  • JetPack – Lets you Go Straight Up
  • Jesus – Lets you walk on Water
  • Spider – Lets you climb walls
  • Fast Break – Single-clicking a block and waiting a fraction of a second breaks it.
  • InstantBunker – Automatically builds a preconfigured bunker if you have Cobble Stone
  • Tunneller – digs a tunnel as per the user's settings.
  • Sneak – Auto Shift
  • SpeedHack – Makes Player go faster
  • AutoSprint - Automatically makes the player sprint.
  • Auto Eat – Automatically eats when hunger goes down
  • So many more

It is important to note that not all of these work or are recommended at all times. For example, some require creative mode to work, and some of them can be blocked by the servers' anti cheat. Some utilities, such as Nuker, have legit modes that are supposed to bypass some anticheats; however, not all anticheats are covered by Wurst. They do have different modes for different anticheats for different utilities in Wurst, but not all of them are always safe to use, and some server owners may ban you. Some utilities, such as Miley Cirus, are just for fun and kind of worthless, while others, such as AutoEat, are not good to use and not suggested as they can get in your way.

Wurst used to be a client, which you would install as its own version; however, around the 1.14 era, they switched to being a Fabric mod (all versions before that are Vanilla installers), which was the first time using Fabric for many, including me. Forge versions do exist for 1.10.2 and 1.12.2 in source code form. Many of the older client versions (pre 1.7) contained Mojang code and were taken down.

Some versions that were prefabric also come with Optifine.