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CleanCut is an amazing utility mod that allows you to attck enemies and hostile mobs through obstructions. Imagine this scenario: You are fighting a horde of zombies. You find yourself in a position where there is a tall grass in between you and a zombie. Your crosshair is pointed in the direction of the zombie, but the tall grass in between obstructs you and it's hitbox shows up. In such a situation, using your sword will break the tall grass instead of giving damage to the zombie. This is where this mod will help you. With this mod, the sword attck would damage the zombie instead of breaking a worthless piece of tall grass that's obstructing you. Note that the block in between (here, tall grass) should have no collision or it's a block having 0.0 hardness
This mod offers versions for both Forge and Fabric. The download links given below will take you to the official curseforge files page, from where you can download your required version of the mod.