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TheLuigiplayer & KiritoGames20




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SuperTools Mod

The SuperTools mod adds better and more efficient tools that can be crafted using already exisitng materials in Minecraft. Tool and weapon variants have been added for some more minerals like lapis lazuli, quartz, obsidian, redstone, emerald and copper. You can also craft armor sets using these minerals. Obsidian armors gives you fire resistance when you are wearing a full set. But it also gives you a level 2 slowness effect so that it isn't too overpowered.

Super tools are a new variant of tools that are end-game content and they come with a lot of useful features. The super pickaxe can dig out a 3 x 3 area. Super axes will chop down the entire tree when you break just one block. Super tools are crafted using blaze rods, gold ingots and diamonds.

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