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Adorn Mod

Adorn is a mod that adds a variety of new furniture to Minecraft. There are many types of furniture it adds, and it has multiple variations of many of the items.

Here is a rundown of some of the different types of furniture in Adorn.

  •  Sofas are short sofas, which are like cozy chairs. They are in many different colours similar to the types of wool.
  • Chairs are basic chairs made out of different variations of wood that have holes in the back. They perform roughly the same as the sofas.
  • Tables are four-legged square tables that can be used to put stuff like coffee brewers on.
  • Platforms are similar to tables, but they are one-legged and made with a post. They look similar to the fences and pressure plate tables found in villages, but they are a bit thicker. Has wood and stone variations.
  • Counters are like tables but with solid blocks and a thick stone top. Has wood variations.
  • Cupboards are counters with a door that you can use to store stuff. Has wood variations.
  • Drawers are two-doored storage blocks that can be used to store stuff and serve as a table. Despite having two doors, it only has one storage interface. Has wood variations.
  • Posts are just sticks held up, they are similar to fences in Minecraft, but they do not attach. There are many stone variations.
  • Sinks are like cauldrons, but with different wood variations. You can put water in them.
  • Steps are like thicker pressure plates with a little post on the bottom. Has wood and stone variations.
  • Shelves (Shelf) are put on the sides of blocks and have wood, warped wood, and iron variations.
  • Chimneys are thin chimneys that can be put on top of blocks. Has stone variations.
  • Coffee Tables are small tables that are used for small things. Has wood Variations.
  • Benches are tables with four legs; two of them are attacked by the other two. It looks a bit like a short stool and has wood variations.
  • Lamps are wood lamps that have a slight glow coming from them based on the colour of the wool.
  • Trading Station is used for trading. You can learn more about trading in the green book about trading called Trader’s Manual by Juuz.
  • Crates are basic wooden blocks. These crates can have pictures of items. Often based on foodstuffs.
  • Picket Fences are white fences similar to those you may see in real life, which are white and pleasant.
  • Chain-link fences—less pleasant grey fences—are similar to the kind you can climb in real life, possibly a  bit stronger.
  • Brewers are used for brewing coffee.
  • Candlelit Lanterns have different colours and are used to light rooms.

Outside of furniture, there are also some other items. This includes stone rods, stone torches, and stone latters. There are also mugs that can hold different drinks such as hot chocolate, glow berry tea, sweet berry juice, and Nether Wart coffee.

Most items have descriptions under their names explaining what to do. There are also two books, a red one called Decorating Your Home and a green one called The Trader’s Manual. Both are by Juuz and explain different aspects of the mod.

One interesting thing about the mod is the trading, this makes it a bit similar to Fantasy's Furniture. However, emeralds and gold are some of the most common elements, making it potentially not as easy.

Adorn has a lot of integrations with other mods (mostly for variants), but it is different between the Forge and Fabric versions. This mod requires Fabric Language Kotlin if run on Fabric or Quilt.