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Architectury API Mod

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Architectury API is an API that aims to provide common hooks for both Minecraft Forge and FabricMC Based Modloaders (like QuiltMC), allowing you to make mods for more than one mod loader more easily. Architectury API is part of a bigger toolchain called Architectury.

Architectury contains other stuff, such as Architectury Templates (previously known as ArchitecturyLoom or ArchLoom), which is an enhanced version of Fabric Loom which can work with other loaders such as Minecraft Forge and RiftMC (unofficially) and has many cool features such as the ability to use loom on MC Forge, using Yarn, MCP, Legacy Yarn, MojMap, Quilt Mappings, and many other mappings on these different platforms. While some of these features already exist in existing Gradle or other dev environments, ArchitecturyTemplates is a very convenient and elegant, though unofficial, option. Architectury Templates do not require Architectury API, making it a good environment for even non-Architectury mods. ArchitecturyTemplates builds off its predecessor, ArchitecturyLoom, by allowing you to target multiple loaders in 1 main Gradle project with child projects, which, combined with its other features, makes it a replacement for The Corrupt Jaredll08’s MultiLoader Template, whose author is explicitly against Yarn and does not work with as many Fabric-like loaders and uses MojMaps, bans people for no reason with ban networks, and has many other issues. Architectury Templates default uses MojMaps, which can easily be changed by editing the build. Gradle. You can learn more about Architectury Templates here. 

One Drawback is it has some instability and issues; however, it is possibly more stable than ForgeGradle and has limited IDE support, primarily supporting Visual Studio Code-based and IntelliJ IDEA-based IDEs. It does not officially support Eclipse-Based IDEs, but I commonly use it in my projects with RedHat CodeReady Studio (Eclipse-Based). In most cases, it works fine, so it works fine under Upstream Eclipse. Another potential issue is Fabric Loom; in some cases, it requires Java 17 to run, which may make it a bit trickier for modding in versions before 1.17.

Architectury API is primarily the name of the API used in developing mods for Architectury. It comes by default in most cases when starting a project with Architectury Templates (unless removed from the Gradle dependencies). There are different installation methods for different configurations:

  • Players install Architectury API just like any other mod.

  • Modders  using Architectury Templates or ArchLoom will get it by default when     Generating Sources and configuring for the preferred IDE.

  • Modders     using Traditional ForgeGradle, FabricLoom, QuiltLoom, or other     development environments will need to add it manually like they add     other dependencies. Not using Architectury Templates, though, is not     recommended as sometimes Architectury needs to add custom files and     Architectury Templates have better integration.

For Developers, Architectury API provides many hooks and is optional for some but REQUIRED for other mods. It abstracts calls from the Minecraft Forge API and Fabric API, which have different ways of doing the same things. It has over 80 event hooks. It also has networking, registries (which is very important considering MC Forge is invasive when it comes to those), Loader Calls, Platform Abstraction, Fuel, ItemGroups/CreativeTabs, Fluids, Key Mappings, and other things. Some parts are easy to use and elegant, while others are harder and/or uglier. They have excellent documentation that you can read while making your mod with it. It works a lot with EventBus, which could make it harder for some who need to know how to use EventBus/ModContainer. It is prevalent, making it less of a hassle for players making mod packs. Architectury API is required to play the mods in most cases.

For Players, Architectury API is a Must have for many mod packs because of how many mods use it. Just install it like any other mod, and you will be fine. Architectury API, like some other mods, may have issues with Optifine; while running it, you may get limited support. The authors suggest you use an alternative to Optifine. and and other places are well-known for providing Optifine options.

Architectury API does NOT allow people to play MC Forge Mods on Fabric or vice versa; it is a platform that you develop mods for that work with both.

Architectury API is one of the most common mods in Minecraft because of its well-known ability to make mods for multiple loaders. Even if one does not use the Architectury API, they still may use Architectury Templates, and there are cases of non-Architectury mods, including Architectury-based files. Architectury API does not include a loader or abstraction to allow you to easily make two versions of the mod in 1 file (though it may be possible with some other work). It is also not designed to make mods work across Minecraft Versions (Though it may be able to unintentionally in some cases). In most cases, one will need to provide different files for the Forge and Fabric Versions of their mods. These drawbacks make it more stable, fast and reliable. Still, they differentiate it from things like LitLaunch or FeatureCreep do contain loaders and APIs that allow you to create multi-platform mods that work across Minecraft Versions and Loaders with one file. Architectury is also different from Forge Porting Lib as PortingLib is just a copy of many of MC Forge’s features but does not provide the same hooks making it, so people need to maintain wildly different code bases with PortingLib.

Architectury is used by many big mods such as Roughly Enough Items (one of the Architectury authors), Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals and Custom Machinery.

Architectury does have some controversial people around it. However, REI’s founder, shedaniel is the main person behind it and has some controversy; LatvianModder (Owner of ModdedMC and KubeJS with a questionable record) and triphora (former QuiltMC mod, former PrismMC mod, and Modrinth admin with a dubious history and beliefs) are also involved along with some other less controversial people like maxneedssnaks.