Best Minecraft Development mods

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Porting Lib

Porting Lib (also known as Forge PortingLib) is a library that ports many Minecraft Forge features to FabricMC and QuiltMC. The developer, AlphaMode and Fabricators-of-Create, is a developer of both FabricMC and QuiltMC and is also involved in porting many of the big name Forge mods to these platforms. The mod should be installed like any other mod for players; it does very little on its own but is used by some third-party mods to do so.For developers, you can put this in your development environment and make or port mods with it. Porting Lib is modular and has many modules based on the sections of MC Forge. It is important to note, however, that despite having similar functionality to Minecraft Forge, it is not exactly the same, and the Package/Class and Method/Field names are also different. This means you WILL NOT be able to just copy and paste all your code and have it work, you will need to generally do some refactoring. It is a library for helping to port your mod, not an abstraction layer or actual port of the MC Forge libraries. The modules that they have so far are:lazy_registration (similar to deferred     registries)transfer (a transfer API for stuff like     fluids and storage)tags (Item, Block, and similar tags).accessors (which help you access some     private methods, fields, and classes without as much reflection)obj_loader (allows you to use.OBJ     models and meshes in your mod)models (general model API)model_loader (allowing you to load     models)networking (dealing with networking and     packets)model_generators (which help make     models with data generation)extensions (general extensions to     vanilla classes)entity (APIs related to entities such     as mobs and arrows)constants (many fields that remain     constant are used for storing information and are frequently used     internally)common (stuff used by many of the     modules)base (the main module containing basic     stuff)attributes (which let you set entities     and other attributes) fake_players (used for simulating     players) More information can be found on the Porting Lib Github to help you with developing your mod, setting up your dev environment, getting info about the porting to 1.19.3, getting info about each module, contributing, and other suggested tools for porting, some also by Fabricators-of-Create, alternative mods, and other ports of MC Forge stuff to Fabric. Porting Lib is different from Architectury. While porting lib is only one way, from forge to fabric, Architectury works to have a common code for both fabric and forge. Additionally, Architectury contains a full toolchain with its own development environments and other stuff, while Porting Lib is stand-alone. Porting Lib may be good for MultiLoader projects where in the Forge section you can have references to the Forge APIs and in the Fabric section you can have references to the Porting Lib APIs, and the common can reference the abstractions to the specific code, meaning you can have similar code on both without much work in one environment. Porting Lib is also much lighter but also less advanced and does not have as much platform detection or platform specific stuff, as you are supposed to use it only in fabric-based environments. You can also use FeatureCreep if you want to target multiple Platforms.


Architectury API

Architectury API is an API that aims to provide common hooks for both Minecraft Forge and FabricMC Based Modloaders (like QuiltMC), allowing you to make mods for more than one mod loader more easily. Architectury API is part of a bigger toolchain called Architectury.Architectury contains other stuff, such as Architectury Templates (previously known as ArchitecturyLoom or ArchLoom), which is an enhanced version of Fabric Loom which can work with other loaders such as Minecraft Forge and RiftMC (unofficially) and has many cool features such as the ability to use loom on MC Forge, using Yarn, MCP, Legacy Yarn, MojMap, Quilt Mappings, and many other mappings on these different platforms. While some of these features already exist in existing Gradle or other dev environments, ArchitecturyTemplates is a very convenient and elegant, though unofficial, option. Architectury Templates do not require Architectury API, making it a good environment for even non-Architectury mods. ArchitecturyTemplates builds off its predecessor, ArchitecturyLoom, by allowing you to target multiple loaders in 1 main Gradle project with child projects, which, combined with its other features, makes it a replacement for The Corrupt Jaredll08’s MultiLoader Template, whose author is explicitly against Yarn and does not work with as many Fabric-like loaders and uses MojMaps, bans people for no reason with ban networks, and has many other issues. Architectury Templates default uses MojMaps, which can easily be changed by editing the build. Gradle. You can learn more about Architectury Templates here. One Drawback is it has some instability and issues; however, it is possibly more stable than ForgeGradle and has limited IDE support, primarily supporting Visual Studio Code-based and IntelliJ IDEA-based IDEs. It does not officially support Eclipse-Based IDEs, but I commonly use it in my projects with RedHat CodeReady Studio (Eclipse-Based). In most cases, it works fine, so it works fine under Upstream Eclipse. Another potential issue is Fabric Loom; in some cases, it requires Java 17 to run, which may make it a bit trickier for modding in versions before 1.17.Architectury API is primarily the name of the API used in developing mods for Architectury. It comes by default in most cases when starting a project with Architectury Templates (unless removed from the Gradle dependencies). There are different installation methods for different configurations:Players install Architectury API just like any other mod.    Modders  using Architectury Templates or ArchLoom will get it by default when     Generating Sources and configuring for the preferred IDE.    Modders     using Traditional ForgeGradle, FabricLoom, QuiltLoom, or other     development environments will need to add it manually like they add     other dependencies. Not using Architectury Templates, though, is not     recommended as sometimes Architectury needs to add custom files and     Architectury Templates have better integration.For Developers, Architectury API provides many hooks and is optional for some but REQUIRED for other mods. It abstracts calls from the Minecraft Forge API and Fabric API, which have different ways of doing the same things. It has over 80 event hooks. It also has networking, registries (which is very important considering MC Forge is invasive when it comes to those), Loader Calls, Platform Abstraction, Fuel, ItemGroups/CreativeTabs, Fluids, Key Mappings, and other things. Some parts are easy to use and elegant, while others are harder and/or uglier. They have excellent documentation that you can read while making your mod with it. It works a lot with EventBus, which could make it harder for some who need to know how to use EventBus/ModContainer. It is prevalent, making it less of a hassle for players making mod packs. Architectury API is required to play the mods in most cases.For Players, Architectury API is a Must have for many mod packs because of how many mods use it. Just install it like any other mod, and you will be fine. Architectury API, like some other mods, may have issues with Optifine; while running it, you may get limited support. The authors suggest you use an alternative to Optifine. and and other places are well-known for providing Optifine options.Architectury API does NOT allow people to play MC Forge Mods on Fabric or vice versa; it is a platform that you develop mods for that work with both.Architectury API is one of the most common mods in Minecraft because of its well-known ability to make mods for multiple loaders. Even if one does not use the Architectury API, they still may use Architectury Templates, and there are cases of non-Architectury mods, including Architectury-based files. Architectury API does not include a loader or abstraction to allow you to easily make two versions of the mod in 1 file (though it may be possible with some other work). It is also not designed to make mods work across Minecraft Versions (Though it may be able to unintentionally in some cases). In most cases, one will need to provide different files for the Forge and Fabric Versions of their mods. These drawbacks make it more stable, fast and reliable. Still, they differentiate it from things like LitLaunch or FeatureCreep do contain loaders and APIs that allow you to create multi-platform mods that work across Minecraft Versions and Loaders with one file. Architectury is also different from Forge Porting Lib as PortingLib is just a copy of many of MC Forge’s features but does not provide the same hooks making it, so people need to maintain wildly different code bases with PortingLib.Architectury is used by many big mods such as Roughly Enough Items (one of the Architectury authors), Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals and Custom Machinery.Architectury does have some controversial people around it. However, REI’s founder, shedaniel is the main person behind it and has some controversy; LatvianModder (Owner of ModdedMC and KubeJS with a questionable record) and triphora (former QuiltMC mod, former PrismMC mod, and Modrinth admin with a dubious history and beliefs) are also involved along with some other less controversial people like maxneedssnaks.


MultiLoader Template

MultiLoader Template is a mod development template designed for targeting Minecraft Forge, QuiltMC, and FabricMC in one environment. It is a Gradle project containing four nested Gradle projects, each doing different tasks and used for building your jars. There are many different versions, both official and unofficial which do various things, such as Quilt Compat, Kotlin, Kotlin DSL, and others. Multiloader alone has no dependencies outside of a Java Development Kit and an IDE; however, it is easy to implement 3rd party dependencies if your mod needs them. MultiLoader is only recommended for those with more experience modding and independently working with Quilt, Fabric, and MC Forge.MultiLoader is not a mod loader or a mod itself; however, it is a development environment that reduces the amount of code copied and pasted by having divisions in your code for different platforms. There are five environments you need to worry about:Forge: For code specific to Minecraft Forge, based on ForgeGradleFabric: For code specific to FabricMC, Based on Fabric LoomQuilt: For code specific to QuiltMC, Based on QuiltLoomCommon: For code that works on all 3 (This is where most of your code should     be), Based on VanillaGradle by SpongePoweredMain     (The main Gradle which runs all the others)The reason there are version-specific folders is that some of the code is specific on different platforms, such as:Calls to the LoaderRegistries (MC Forge has their own and can’t use vanilla ones)SpongeMixinsReflection or working with Obfuscated or intermediary namesAnything else which may use specific API referencesMultiLoader is commonly used by many mods and libraries, which makes it attractive to developers who want to make their mods work across platforms. Most developers will support its usage, though there are exceptions when the code based between APIs is much different. The template is officially supported on 1.17 and newer but can likely be down ported with some work. Fabric API and Quilt Standard Libraries should be automatically downloaded.GeckoLib officially has a page explaining how to use  with  GeckoLib.The template is officially developed by Jaredlll08 and DarkhaxDev (and others like Wixtin), who have since ported most of their mods. These mods include Bookshelf, AttributeFix, Controlling, Enchantment descriptions, Ingredient Extension API, Game Stages, Item Stages, Dark Utilities, Faux Custom Entity Data, Recipe Stages, Tip the Scales, ContentTweaker, CraftTweaker, ModTweaker, so much more. If you are extending any mod by Jared or DarkHax, you should use this template as they officially support it.Most of Yung’s mods are built on Multiloader, which uses Yung’s API. If you use Yung’s API, you probably should use MultiLoader Template.The template is also commonly used by lesser-known mods such as Vein Mining, Passive Chunk Pregenerator, Open Parties and Claims, Apple Crates, and others. It can also be good if you have a bunch of forge or fabric code and want to experiment and try to move to the other.There is a chance this may work with Architectury API; however, they have their templates called Architectury Templates, which has since added a Multiloader style config and which gives you more config though you are more likely to get official support from ModLoader authors with Multiloader which wraps the official build kits. You can also use FeatureCreep if you want to target multiple Platforms.There are some drawbacks, though, such as there can also be excess extra files and code from trying to split them rather than having them together, additionally, some things keep getting different in newer versions and can no longer be shared in the common folder. Prominent examples of this happened in 1.19.3 and 1.18.2, which saw massive changes, some of which required loader or API-specific requests. Organising it can be a nightmare compared to different projects, especially for more extensive mods. Though one advantage it has is if you share your code on git with the Gradle, you do not need as many branches, but it may be harder for people to read the code. Additionally, many common mods are just the Forge versions. There are many samples of how to organise your code and use the different templates like the Kotlin one, . MultiLoader may be a better option if you like to develop in Kotlin but do not want to deal with the issues with switching to Kotlin in the official ones and want Kotlin to Work out of the box. Please note that to run the Kotlin Versions of the mods, the template uses Kotlin for Forge and Fabric Language Kotlin, which the users will need to install.Additionally, Jaredlll08 has voiced his not liking of Yarn Mappings and only officially supports MojMaps while Architectury Templates works with Yarn.We have mentioned Quilt Compatibility here, and while it did exist in the 1.18 era as a beta, it was not ported to the newer versions officially; unofficial ports exist and are still maintained, however despite Jared and DarkHax’s optimism, they have yet to preserve the Quilt MultiLoader Template to 1.19.x or officially support their mods with Quilt; however, you should still be able to run your Fabric Mods with it if you do not do too complex of stuff. QuiltMC officially supports most Fabric Mods and plans to do this for the foreseeable future. As a development platform, QuiltMC is not yet developed to the point of good support and has been suffering from a poor adoption rate and is possibly in decline. Many authors are not checking their mods with Quilt compatibility, Only the 1.18 branch has official quilt support, and it is recommended you update the information with LambdAurora’s Quilt Import Utility . Though the changes to add Quilt can easily be applied to other versions. In general, though, we recommend sticking to traditional Fabric if you are going to be using MultiLoader as you want as much shared code as possible, and Quilt-exclusive features would need to be redone in the fabric versions anyhow. The suggested way to update MultiLoader for Quilt is to download the 1.18 Quilt Version and edit it for 1.19.x. You can do this for older non-Quilt versions also if you want to use Multiloader on 1.14-1.16.5.We recommend using PortingLib with MultiLoader because PortingLib has ports of many Forge Specific features to Fabric/Quilt (and is a developer for both), meaning if you want to use any Forge specific Features, you can easily do it in the Fabric section of Multiloader.Many unofficial forks of MultiLoader Template aim to fix some of the issues and add changes to themselves. With some Gradle knowledge, you should have the ability to change some stuff.Some mods that use MultiLoader:AttributeFixBookshelfColoured TooltipsDark PaintingsDark UtilitiesEnchantment DescriptionsNo AI Spawn EggsOpen LoaderPigPenRunelicTool StatsControllingCraftTweakerInitialInventoryTipTheScalesBotaniaPatchouliWaystonesDefault OptionsBalmFarming For BlockheadsKleeSlabsCooking For BlockheadsTrash SlotForgiving VoidClient TweaksPretty BeachesNether Portal FixPaintings++Public GUI AnnouncementHang ManOh The Biomes You'll goAlone And TogetherMore Info and DarkHax also did a lecture and FAQ called MultiLoader Madness on it at Modfest BlanketCon 2022,   other authors also lectured about using it such as WillBL and williewillus, a creator of Botania.


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