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AutoRegLib Mod

Provides essential libraries and utilities for mod developers, simplifying registration, rendering, and other functionalities in Minecraft mods

AutoRegLib is a library mod used for various things, including registries and other abstractions. The mod is made by Vazkii, one of the top mod creators. Vazkii and other developers use AutoRegLib to make mods like

  • Quark (and add-ons)
  • Akashic Tome,
  • Battlefields
  • HeartDrops
  • Integrated Dungeons and Structures
  • Magical PSI
  • Mob Inhibitor
  • Morph-o-Tool
  • PickleLib
  • PotionFingers
  • Potion Rings
  • PSI (and add-ons)
  • and many more.
    This mod is not needed by itself but is needed if you want to play a mod which requires it.

    The main part of the mod is the RegistryHelper, which is used for Abstract Registration by allowing you to register them in a single place. There are also wrappers for creating a BasicItem Object and other stuff that will automatically register upon initialisation of the class.

    Outside of registries, there are also many other things AutoRegLib can do, such
  • as Rendering
  • Item NBT
  • Rotation
  • ToolTips
  • Vanilla Packet Dispatching
  • Inventory
  • Ticks
  • and much more.
    It provides lots of easy-to-use utilities and, unlike many library mods, is not only used by the person who wrote it but is also commonly used by third parties.

    AutoRegLib is primarily written for MinecraftForge, an Architectury port was in development at one point, and an unofficial fabric port exists.