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Flux Networks is a mod which allows you to build Wireless Energy Networks. These help you move energy across the world and across dimensions. It is wireless, so you do not need cables, and it will, in most cases, perform better than a cable-based system.
You can seamlessly transfer different formats of energy. Forge Energy, AE2, IE, and EU Energy formats are officially supported, and there are no transfer rates.
Optimisation, Organisation, and customisation are at the forefront of Flux Networks. You can set priorities for your network, give names and colours for the networks and name specific connections inside the node. You can remotely monitor your spikes and drops in energy generation and remotely adjust the settings for all connections to the current network. You can also set the chunk-loading capabilities of each connection.
Security is taken very seriously with Flux Networks. You can:
Encrypt your network with a password
Decide which players are allowed to use or access their network
If you are a super admin, you can also delete inactive networks and switch ownerships of networks.
The security features are mostly used for multiplayer instances.
Multiplayer was recently improved in version 4,0,7 with the help of BloCamLimb, and SonarCore is no longer required, though there are still missing features in newer versions. On 1.12.2 and earlier, there is a similar mod by the same author (sonar_sonic), which has many of the same features and more as Flux Networks called Calculator that does still require Sonar Core. Flux Networks itself is available on 1.9.4-1.12.2 (and 1.15.2 and newer, which is not supported by Calculators), but does not have everything in the calculators mod and does not go as far back as the Calculators mod.
Flux Networks generally works better with other tech mods. By itself, Flux Networks does not do much and has little purpose (due to not much in MC requiring energy or having energy protocols). Immersive Engineering (and most add-ons), Industrial Craft 2 (and most add-ons), and Applied Energetics (and most add-ons) will work right out of the box.
The mod has a few blocks and items used to make the network. The Flux Block is just an average block in the Flux Network. Flux Plug receives energy from adjacent blocks, adding energy to the network. Flux point is like Flux Plug but removes energy from the network. Flux Controller, which enables wireless charging, and storage blocks. The Basic Storage Block holds 2000000 Forge Energy, and the Herculean one can hold up to 16000000.
Right-clicking on any of the blocks outside of the Flux Block will open up network settings for the said block. It will let you decide which network you want to join. If you are not in a network, you can easily create one. You will need to be in a network to do much with the blocks (outside of setting the options for the individual block), but creating and setting up a network is generally very easy to do with the config. Once you have a network, you will be able to see the following:
Stats in a graph
Tick speeds
The amount of each type of block in the network.
All the devices in the network.
The network system works very well with other network-based mods like AE2, Storage Drawers, and Redefined Storage, especially if you need to move large amounts of energy around.