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Provides a reliable energy-based system API for mod developers, streamlining the creation of electricity-powered mods.
Redstone Flux is an API developed by Team CoFH that allows mod developers to create and use energy-based systems in their Mods. It is a standalone Jar file that provides all the necessary functions for crafting systems powered by electricity. An important note for mod developers is that repacking either this API or the older API (cofh.api.energy) in their mods will cause crashes, so it must not be done, instead you should ask the player to install it manually. One of the advantages of using the Redstone Flux API is its performance, reliability and the template it provides for coders. In addition, if a mod developer only wants pure RF power without any of the new flux variants, then this API is ideal. To add the API to the build.gradle, mod developers will need to include the CoFH Maven repository in their repositories and then add the dependency “deobfCompile “cofh:RedstoneFlux:1.12-”.
It was one of the most common Energy APIs into Minecraft, it was so common that MC Forge integrated it as Forge Energy into there official API. In newer versions of Minecraft on MC Forge you no longer need RedStone Flux and should instead use Forge Energy.
Redstone Flux was used by many mods such as