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Powah! (Rearchitected) Mod

Enhances energy management with generators, storage systems, and functional blocks for improved forge energy handling

Powah! (Rearchitected) is an update of a mod named Powah! For 1.18 and newer. It is mostly used for creating and dealing with energy. It works well with Applied Energetics 2, Even having a discord channel for it, but it is not required, though you will want some kind of a tech mod to go along with this mod.

There are many new blocks added for the creation of energy, and the mod is still in Alpha so there is a lot more to come. There is a manual that describes most of the things in great detail with pictures and more in tabbed categories diving the items and each item having its page almost with some pages having more than 1 variant with crafting and stats for some.

There are 5 tabbed categories added to the mod, these are the 4 with some, but not all of the items.


  • Furnator generated Forge Energy from materials like coal and wood similar to  a furnace. There are multiple tiers such as Basic and Hardened

  • Magmator is another Forge Energy creator but this time uses High-temperature fluids like Lava

  • Solar Panels get energy from the sun

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  • Energy  Cells stores Forge energy and can also get energy from the Ender network

  • Energy Cables are used to move energy between machines

  • Ender  Cells are like energy cells but for a specific channel in an ender  network   

  • Ender Gates are used for bringing nearby energy into an Ender Network.

Functional Blocks

  • Energizing Orb energises nearby items with Energising Rods    

  • Player Transmitted automatically charges items in nearby player inventories     wirelessly 

  • Energy Hoppers are used to charge items in block entities like chests    

  • Energy discharger removes charge from items and stores it in a buffer


  • Wrench has 3 modes config, link, and rotate mostly used for working with wires or blocks 

  • Charged Snowball is a snowball that you throw and it shoots lightning   

  • Battery can be used to charge items that are in the player's inventory or upgrade Ender Channels   

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  • Uraninite  Ore is an ore that is normally found not that far underground, often     within 20 blocks underground    

  • Dry  ice is a minable type of ice that is found 64 blocks below or by energising 2 blue ice blocks and it is used for cooling down     reactors.

The manual provides much more information about the items and lists much more of them.

Powah! (Rearchitected) in general adds, a lot of new ways to work with energy, especially Forge energy, which is common in many mods and can easily be converted to many other formats

Requires Architectury and Cloth Config.