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Modular Routers Mod

Modular Routers adds a few new items into your game. These items can be used for a variety of new wireless signalling purposes. Some of these uses include :

  • pull items from an inventory (including modded inventories like Storage Drawers)
  • send them to other inventories near & far
  • place items as blocks
  • break blocks
  • drop items into the world
  • absorb dropped items
  • fling items across the world
  • sort items (including some sophisticated filters, more than just item/meta/NBT matching)
  • void unwanted items
  • remotely interact with your player inventory
  • extend & retract lines of blocks (drawbridges!)

If you are into redstone or like building machines, this mod will let you have a lot of fun. You can build useful contraptions and machines for various purposes using this mod.

This is a Forge mod and download links are given below.