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Enables team-based questing with customizable options and supports integration with several FTB and external mods.
FTB Quests is a Questing mod for Minecraft. It is team-based, allowing you to easily set quests for a full team, making them easier and more efficient.
There are multiple types of quests and more than one way to see many of them, such as the GUI and blocks for counting collections of blocks. Or Quest books can be obtained with condoning stones and books on a crafting table.
FTB Quests was written with FTB mod packs in mind, but you can easily use them. They have a wiki which goes into detail about how to use FTB Quests. The options are advanced and very customisable. However, it is important to note that the mod is All Rights Reserved, so you can’t distribute it very much or do much changing.
//TODO write about some basic parts of the lib
Item Filters, FTB Library, FTB Teams, and Architectury are required. KubeJS and Just Enough Items have integration, though. FTB Quests are required to run many Mods, mostly FTB ones. Some of the mods which require FTB Quests are
FTB Money (Forge)
FTB Quest seller
FTBQ Borealis
Chemical Exchange Tweaks
And more.