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FTB Teams Mod

Enhance multiplayer gameplay by creating and managing teams

FTB Teams is a team mod used in many Feed the Beast Modpacks. It is used to create teams for many of the other mods in the FTB mod series, such as FTB Quests and FTB Chunks; teams have various roles in these, so FTB decided to make a team mod to do teamwork in a multiplayer server.

To create a team, run the command
“/ftbteams create name”
This will create a new team. To change the settings of your team, run the command:
“/ftbteams settings <key> <value>”
You can choose from many different elements to change the value of. If you are the server admin, you can change the team information based on the data in the folder “world/data/ftbteams”.

Being in a team provides a few advantages depending on the FTB mod, such as:
FTB Quests allows you to complete quests with your teammates
FTB Chunks allows your teammates to enter your chunks and share map data and see team data in the minimap