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This project was first made by Billy playz YT
Then updated by:Legopitstop
This datapack adds in the ability to set your spawn and home location
Let me know of any bugs and they will be fixed- as long as it is the
data pack not Minecraft as a whole
Official Legopitstop Data pack website page:
Issues/bugs? Submit Them Here
Suggestions? Submit Your Idea Here
How to Use:
1 reload the world if not done yet.
2.go to the place that you want the overworld spawn.
3.then do /function homespawn:spawn/overworld/set
4.for the nether do /function homespawn:spawn/nether/set
5.for the end do /function homespawn:spawn/end/set get the book sign do /function homespawn:menu/sign then place it (Make sure that you are in creative)
7.You have successfully installed the datapack. if you want to uninstall do /function homespawn:uninstall.
then it is safe to remove the datapack file.