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Additional Links
You may find some useful information by following these links
Eggs are also now craftable. Use eggs to customize your mob spawner!
the "Coins" are rotten flesh (part of my texture pack)
Official Legopitstop Data pack website page:
This datapack should work in 1.13.2 and 1.14 keep in mind that only the 1.14 mob eggs will work in that version
Want to be able to break spawners? Download Ant_Redstone's Ultimate Silktouch Spawner 2 data pack for Minecraft 1.14 Java edition!
Don't know what the recipes are?
Go to Legopitstop's Recipe Page
How to Use
1.Craft an spawner.
2.Place spawner (should be a pig spawner Default)
3.Craft any spawn egg of your choice.
4.While holding the spawn egg right click onto spawner to tranceform the spawner to that mob spawner (Keep in mind that the mob needs the corresponding things to spawn example: zombie needs darkness to spawn, Fish needs water to spawn, pig needs grass to spawn, etc)