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Hookshot Mod Mod

Travelling in Minecraft is somewhat difficult. Traversing through thick forests and mountainous terrain is a bit tiring. If you have these problems, the Hookshot mod will help you a lot. This mod adds a grappling hooks into your game. You can use these hooks to climb mountains or straight up glide above terrains that are hard to traverse.

 The player can hold the grapple hook in his hand and right click to shoot it out. The hook will then attack to the first solid block along it's vector path. Then the chain attached to the hook will start pulling you. You can further enhance you grapple hook by upgrading it. Upgrading it with a prismarine shard will let to use the hook underwater. Upgrading with an eye of ender will let you teleport instead of pulling you. And more...

This mod offers versions for Fabric and download links are given below.