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Inspecio Mod

Inspecio is an amazing utility mod which will certainly enhance your gameplay experience very much. With Inspecio, all items in your inventory as well as the creative menu will have tooltips that contains much more information than the vanilla tooltips provides. The vanilla tooltips will only provide you with the item name and item durability in some cases. But with Inspecio, you will have much more than that. Hovering you cursor over a shulkerbox will show you the contents of the shulkerbox. In vanilla Minecraft, you'll have to place the shulkerbox down and open it in order to see its content. So Inspecio saves you a ton of time and effort here. Hovering your cursor over any food item will visually show you the amount of health, hunger and saturation that it regenerates. For potions, the tooltip will tell you what the potion does and in some cases, shows an image that represents the effects of the potion. For spawn eggs, the tooltips will show you a 3D version of the mob it spawns. Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod.

This is a Fabric mod and download links are given below.