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Large Ore Deposits Mod

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The Large Ore Deposits mod does exactly what it's name suggests. It adds extremely large ore chains into your Minecraft world. These extra large chains may contain dozens of ore blocks and can contain stacks of items that the ore provides. Coming across a large ore deposit of diamond ore can get you upwards of 2-3 stacks of diamonds. Add Fortune enchantment to your pickaxe and that's an easy 10+ stacks of diamonds. 

The ores are super large, and in order to not overpower this ore generation feature, the mod generates these super massive ore chains very rarely. So consider yourself lucky if you come across one.

Furthermore, you can use commands to change the generation frequencies and other settings. You can find the commands here.

Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod. This is a Forge mod and download links are given below. Read the installation instructions carefully.