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Reden Mod

Made for redstone engineers. Makes messing around with redstone contraptions a lot less of a headache.

Debugging their contraption is something that all redstone engineers struggle with. Imagine activating a redstone build, and the build suddenly displaces blocks like they were not supposed to do. In this case, the player will have to manually rearrange the blocks to continue with the build.

Redstone engineers who work on large sized builds with complex circuitry often create copies of their world before activating the build, so that they can avoid the tiresome task of manually rearranging blocks. 

The Reden mod is here with the solution to this problem and more!

The goal of this mod is to make working with redstone builds a lot more convenient. And it does so by introducing features that will help players avoid some common difficulties.

Undo & Redo

This mod allows you to press ctrl+z to "undo" an operation.

Activated a redstone build and the build unexpectedly broke? Do not worry! Simply press ctrl+z and the build will be reset to its previous stage before activation.

Note: All blocks, block entities and entities are undoable. Undo is available only if that change is caused by a player, for example, placing blocks and commands.

Other Features

  • Command Hotkeys: Super Right -> runCommand use masa-style hotkeys to run commands
  • Force Sync Entity Pos: Micro Ticking -> toggleForceEntityPosSync force sync entity pos to clients, maybe useful when you freeze the game
  • No Time Out: General -> noTimeout disable timeout on clients, if you are debugging the server, you probably need this
  • Item Shadowing Detector: carpet redenDebuggerItemShadow Detect if there are shadowed items in the inventory, wip, it will support to disable operations that may break the link in the future
  • Structure Block Hotkey: Ctrl+S to save and Ctrl+L to load for you last interacted struct block.

Features That Are Work-In-Progress

  • RVC Selection: New way of selecting blocks. (Almost finished)
  • RVC: Redstone Version Control, machine history and diff analysis based on git.
  • RVC Package Manager: Package manager for redstone machines.
  • RVC Reference: Makes debugging easier.
  • RDebugger: Micro-timing analysis and simulation: block update breakpoints (NC, PP, CU, BE), BED debugger, step-by-step update, step-by-step tick, update reset.