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RFTools Control Mod

Enhance automation with a visual programming language, control Redstone, manage resources, and link systems using advanced networking.

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RFTools Control is an addon mod for  RFTools which provides users with a visual grid-based programming language for automation control allowing players to 

  • Move Items around
  • Control Redstone
  • Check energy (RedstoneFlux) 
  • and more. 

Still, it also provides direct access to a storage scanner-controlled system. 

The two primary blocks in RFTools Control are the Programmer and Processor blocks, which are necessary for creating and executing programs. The mod offers various networking options, allowing users to link different processor blocks together to create more complex automation systems. 

In general, RFTools Control is a powerful automation mod that provides users with an easy way to set up complex automation systems within the game. It is still in active development with many more features planned or planned to be improved (In newer versions, the mod will also allow the storage scanner to automatically craft items, though this feature has not yet been fully implemented and is still in development).