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Searchlight & Wall Lights Mod

The Searchlight & Wall Lights mod adds new lighting related items into your game. These can be used for both decoration as well as for normal lighting puposes. The searching is an item that projects a beam of light in a single direction. It can be crafted using 1 iron ingot, 4 iron nuggets, 1 torch and 3 glass blocks. When a player right-clicks a Searchlight block, it rotates in the direction of the player, changing the direction of the light beam. In 1.18, a Searchlight can be turned off by powering it with a redstone signal. This mod also adds wall lights. These look like buttons, but they cannot be pressed. Instead, they give off light. They come in 19 different colour and block variants, so that they can fit in anywhere. They can also be used for decoration purposes as they blend in really well with some builds.

Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod. This is a Fabric mod and download links are given below. Read the installation instructions carefully.