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spark Mod

spark is a mod for Minecraft which is made up of several components for testing performance. It has a lightweight CPU profiler to diagnose performance issues, a memory inspection tool to take snapshots and analyse memory usage, server health reporting to provide metrics such as tick rate and CPU usage, and a range of guides to assist in the analysis of profiling reports or GC tuning.

 This makes it possible to find out what is taking the most resources. It looks at things like how much memory is being used, how much CPU is being used, and how many ticks the world is running. It helps people understand what might be causing their world to run slowly or lag.

Often time structures and world generation mods are what cause the most lag, and spark tells you exactly which ones in a detailed yet simple command format.

/spark health is the main command and gives you information about the server's memory usage, CPU usage, ticks, disc, the network, and other information. There are also other tools for server users.

/spark profiler helps you get information about the profile and tasks and uploads it to a website and logging platform owned by spark.

There are also many other and more specific commands for more specific things. The analysis will tell you exactly which classes the lag is coming from and a stack trace to see which classes are calling it so you can see what is causing the most lag with a little work and either remove or reconfigure the mod. It also references Native files.

/spark tickmonitor is the most important for monitoring tick speed and getting more specific information about what is causing lag spikes. Do note though that it does take time for the analysis to complete and it should not be run too many times in a row because the scan itself could still cause a decrease in performance despite the mod being lightweight. If it goes above 100% tick it tells you why. There is also memory monitor called GC monitor.

It is important to note, that the command /spark is mostly used on the server side, for the client side you should use    

  • /sparkb

  • /sparkv    

  • /sparkc

rather than the traditional /spark command.

Spark is a great mod for both server admins and modpack creators allowing you to optimise the performance of your server or modpack. There are not older Forge/Fabric/Quilt versions but also versions for BungeeCord and other server platforms.

It is easy to install, just add the .jar file to the mods directory, and commands can be found in the docs. It also has a Discord server for discussion and support and there is a wiki describing how many of the commands work.

Note: After removing it we had some slight issues and needed to restart the game once. It could have been related to the removal causing a few issues upon reloading the world or something else, just if you get issues after removal just restart the game.