Best Minecraft performance mods

Explore some of the outstanding mods for Minecraft. There is always a room to make your game more fascinating. So sit back, and flick through tons of amazing mods!

Iris Shaders 18

If you want to boost your FPS in the game, you should definitely try the Iris shaders mod. What it does is simply doubles your game performance. You will notice a significant increase in FPS compared

Sodium 19

Sodium is another FPS optimization mod that is the best alternative to Optifine mod, however, it boosts your game even further to the limits. Unlike Optifine, which includes its integrated vanilla GUI


Enhances Minecraft's rendering engine for high-performance custom models and shaders, utilizing advanced GPU optimizations.

Smooth Boot (Reloaded)

Optimizes loading times and reduces stutter for PCs with 8 or fewer threads, enhancing multitasking capabilities.

FPS Reducer 10

FPS Reducer mod conserves energy by lowering frame rate and sound when idle or window is inactive.

Indium 1

Optimizes rendering compatibility for mods using Sodium by integrating the Indigo API features

Observable 3

Monitors performance by analyzing tick lengths influenced by entities to identify sources of lag

LazyDFU 17

Improves startup performance by skipping unnecessary world conversion tasks using lightweight bytecode manipulation

spark 7

spark is a mod for Minecraft which is made up of several components for testing performance. It has a lightweight CPU profiler to diagnose performance issues, a memory inspection tool to take snapshot


Rubidium is an unofficial for the Sodium mod and it is made for the Forge mod loader. This mod contains all the features of the Sodium mod and makes it possible to have them on Forge. This mod is not


Oculus is an unofficial fork of the Iris mod and is made to work on the Forge Mod Loader. The Rubidium mod should also be downloaded and added to the mods folder in order for Oculus to function p

Clumps 20

Have you ever built an end based enderman XP farm? If you have, you might have noticed the heavy lag caused by the XP particles. In vanilla Minecraft, XP orbs have a cooldown. That means players will

FastWorkBench 6

FastWorkBench is a Forge mod that improves the performance of all crafting related functions in Minecraft. The 1.12 update introduces a bug where shift-click crafting a stack of items causes a momenta

Sodium Extra 2

Sodium is one of, if not, the best performance mods for Minecraft out there. Before Sodium, OptiFine used to be considered the best performance mod, but Sodium managed to prove itself better by giving

OptiFabric 6

OptiFabric is a simple mod that allows you to run OptiFine on the Fabric mod loader. This mod takes OptiFine and makes it compatible with Fabric at runtime. Note that OptiFine does not come bundles wi

Iris Starline


Iris Shaders Mod has become quite popular those days as an alternative to Optifine mod, but having greater performance. However, the majority of players did not prefer it on top of Optifine becau

Sodium Mod 1

Your game faster than ever We have all suffered lag while playing Minecraft. If you're one of those gamers who loves to really tweak their worlds, you've probably experienced low fps rates many times