Best Minecraft Transportation mods

Explore some of the outstanding mods for Minecraft. There is always a room to make your game more fascinating. So sit back, and flick through tons of amazing mods!

Faster Minecarts 2


In Minecraft, a horse can be twice as fast as a minecart. This is concerning when you consider the effort that you have to put in, in order to build a minecart travel system. A horse is easy to find a

Tardim Mod

Travelling in Minecraft is a hassle. Whether its on foot, by boat or using an elytra. What if you could instantly teleport between long distances? That's exactly what the Tardim mod is for.This mo


The waystone mod adds a new block called the waystone. It’s a square pillar looking block which spawns randomly across the Minecraft world and in villages. A player can click on it to add it to