Yet Another Tweaks Mod, or YATM for short, is an amazing mod that improves several aspects of Minecraft without straying away from the vanilla theme. This mod adds new tools, weapons, enchantments and crops.
New Items
- Copper Tools and Weapons : These are slightly less durable than Iron.
- Lapiz Lazuli Tools and Weapons : These are slightly more durable than Iron.
- Amethyst Tools and Weapons : The durability of these come in between LapizLazuli and Diamond.
- Cooled Magma Cream : After consuming it, it gives you Fire Resistance effect for one minute.
- Magma Walker : It is an enchantment to boots that creates magma blocks when walking over lava. Can only be obtained by looting chests.
- Corn : As of the current versions, they only drop from grass.
Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod. This is a Fabric mod and download links are given below. Read the installation instructions carefully.