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Yung’s Bridges is a Mod for MinecraftForge and FabricMC, which adds a collection of over 15 different types of bridges which naturally spawn around your world. It claims to be the 1st mod which has naturally spawning bridges. It is developed by YUNGNICKYUNG, who is well known for his other structure mods. This mod required Yung’s API, so if you install this mod, it is suggested you install some of YUNG’s Other Mods because many of those also require YUNG’s API, and Yung’s Bridges has integration (or priority compatibility) with some of his other mods, along with some other mods.
Some of the mods Yung’s Bridges has intended compatibility with are:
Some of the mods Yung’s Bridges has integrations with are:
Terraforged: Terraforged makes the rivers smaller and gives them steeper banks. It is suggested you have higher Spawn Rates with this mod.
Terralith: This mod makes the rivers have steeper banks, so you should also increase the spawn rates.
Upstream: This has the opposite issue where the bridges are too large for most bridges. It would help if you increased spawn rates, especially for larger bridges. Bridges are still rare with rivers from Upstream, but if you do have this, you will be most lucky when there are islands in the middle of the river.
The bridges vary a lot in size and complexity. Some are just basic log bridges that can cross small to medium-sized rivers, while others are more complex. Yung’s Bridges can be considered a Vanilla plus mod as it is not overkill in the features and bloat, but it is also not super empty. Many of the bridges are a community built. The mod adds no new blocks or items, only structures. Unlike many more extensive structure mods, this one is pretty small and does not take as big of a toll on performance as structure mods commonly do.
Like some other mods by Yung, Yung's Bridges use special processors to make the bridges work on all kinds of rivers with custom generation for different rivers. In the video, the author shows the code and goes through the process of fixing the bugs, and Yung has one of the best communities around his mods.
The bridges are often simple and made of vanilla materials (most commonly different variants of stone, wood, or a mix of the 2). Some of the mods have roofs over them. Some even have lanterns hanging from them; others have touched on them staircases, moss, and other decorations.
Yung’s Bridges are different from Macaw’s Bridges. Macaw’s Bridges is mostly a mod that provides you with materials (such as Rope bridges, support pillars, stairs, and other stuff) for building custom bridges, while Yung’s Bridges is mostly for pre-generated worlds along rivers. Macaw’s bridges may help build air bridges (something Yung aimed to avoid in his mod), bridges over rugged terrain, or other instances where bridges or rope may be helpful. Both mods add different degrees of Utility and Decoration. However, Macaw’s Bridges are more for utility, while Yung’s bridges are more for decoration. You can use both mods together if you want both.