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Sunflawer Shaders Shaders

The visuals that this pack offers is very much different from other shaderpacks that you might have used. Sunflawer Shaders offers visuals that makes Minecraft look like a post apocalyptic world. This pack is actually a modified version of the BSL shaders by Capt Tatsu. The clouds, the colours, the water, the reflections, the shadows, etc are all very different from BSL. Also, it's worth mentioning that the pack is not very resource intensive. So if you have a low end PC, you can give this pack a try and you might actually be surprised to see that a pack with such high quality visuals gives you decent framerates. I personally had fun playing around with this pack along with a few mods that added a zombie apocalypse into the game. Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this pack.

Download links are given below.