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Fantasy Texture Pack

Live in a world of Mythical Fantasy!

The Fantasy texture pack makes our game look a lot more crispier. The textures introduced by this pack are well detailed and looks much more realistic than the vanilla textures. The goal of the pack is to make you game appear a lot more sharper, with a medieval touch.

When you enter a regular world, you might not notice the theme of the texture pack. But when you play around with certain blocks like planks, doors and trapdoors, you will be able to notice a clear medieval touch. The pack also overhauls the textures of all of the armor sets in the game to give them a much more majestic appearance. 

The pack comes in a 32x resolution, which is twice as much as the vanilla 16x textures. This means blocks appear more detailed. Even though the resolution of the pack is higher than the default vanilla textures, there is not much noticeable drop in game performance.

Furthermore, the pack also alters the textures of many of the blocks in the End and the Nether dimensions. Certain mobs are also given new textures. It is highly recommended to use the pack alongside a good shader pack, so that the block textures appear a lot more realistic.