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xali's Enhanced Vanilla Texture Pack

Tiny tweaks that add detail.

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As the name suggests, xali's Enhanced Vanilla texture pack has the goal of improving some aspects of the game that we deal with regularly. Rather than overhauling the textures in the game, this pack focuses on paying attention to detail. All changes made by this pack are tiny changes to the vanilla textures, but their combined effect makes the game look a lot better.

The pack gives a three dimensional appearance to both the warped and crimson fungi variants. This is a small change that makes the Crimson/Warped forest terrain look a lot more detailed.

Another tweak made by this pack are to the sides of blocks with a snow layer on them. As seen in the image, leaf blocks with snow on top them appear to have snow dripping off of their sides. This effect also applies to terrain blocks like grass blocks and sand.

The pack also makes terrain blocks transition smoothly amongst themselves. Blocks like stone, sand, diorite, andesite, etc. are terrain blocks that widely appear adjacent to one another throughout your world. This pack smoothens out their borders to give them a smoother, much natural appearance.

To enhance the vanilla graphics of your game, download and use this pack using the links provided in the Downloads tab.