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Adds wearable backpacks for additional storage, replaces chestplate, share contents, and allows dye customization
As the name suggests, this mod adds wearable backpack into Minecraft. These backpacks lets you carry extra items while travelling. Note that a player can only carry one bag at a time. You will also have to decide between the extra storage and the chestplate armor protection as the backpack is placed in the chestplate slot and you can only wear one at a time. You can also let your in-game friends go through the stuff inside a backpack that you are wearing. This is a convenient way to share stuff without dropping them onto the floor. Furthermore, you will be able to dye your backpack using any dye in the game. For crafting recipes, check out the images above.
Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod. This is a Forge mod and download links are given below. Read the installation instructions CAREFULLY to avoid any errors.