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FeatureCreepMC Mod

FeatureCreep is an upcoming ModLoader and Modding API, it allows you to make version independent mods. Mods made in this will work across many different versions of Minecraft and it has the ability to work on top of a bunch of other mod loaders allowing your mod to passively support many of the existing modloaders across many different versions. Some platforms we currently support include QuiltMC, MCForge, FabricMC, RiftMC, DangerZone 2.x, and more in the future. 

Disclaimer: FeatureCreep 4 is currently in a very Pre Pre Alpha Stage and only avalible for some versions with limited functionality. Only FeatureCreep 4 and newer have modloading capabilities. As of Pre-Release 6 You are currently able to added basic items and tools. It will expand over time. You are not able to access the Minecraft Packages as these change over time and would break version independence. You must use our API if you want version independence. FeatureCreep has the ability to run on many different versions of DangerZone and Minecraft and mods made for FeatureCreep will work acress all off the different versions. Note, this does not make Fabric 1.19.2 mods run on MC Forge 1.12.2 or vice versa, but rather that you make a mod for our platform which runs on top of many other platforms meaning you do not need to port your mod to a bunch of different platforms and can have only 1 file which works on many of them so long as the user has the correct version of FeatureCreep installed. A standalone version of FeatureCreep is also planned.

Credits and Bundled FOSS libraries
MIT Licence, Citation in the CreditsLicences Folder

  • Moderocky Mimic
    MIT Licence, MIT Licence, Citation in the CreditsLicences Folder
  • ASM
    Some versions only. Used for Mimic. BSD3 Clause
  • The MCForge team for making all those cool Example Projects
Stackoverflow and online tutorials

See CreditsLicences folder for more info.

First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you Win. -Red Hat


Our Permissive Licence not only allows you to, but encourages you to use all our assets, or redistribute the mod in any way you like, even for profit.

FeatureCreepMC 4 and Newer comes bundled with Open Source software which have different Licences, though they are still permissive. See Credits Section for Details.

Our Discord is:

NOTE: Make sure you download the version of the mod for the correct MC version and the Correct ModLoader, and the correct channel, mod Loaders are often at the end of the file

 Mod Loaders include Forge|Fabric|Rift|LiteLoader|Meddle|Risugami|LitLaunch|Quilt|RealML and others

Channels are ESR (Most Commonly Labelled Release), Nightly (Most commonly labelled Beta), and Bleeding Nightly (Most Commonly Labelled Alpha)

Also make sure that your that if you are using a Beta Version of Minecraft (soon to be supported by FC),  has the b at the end of the of the version e.g. 1.7.3b (except for even older versions), if you are not using a Beta or older version of Minecraft, avoid the letter at the end of the MC name.

When FeatureCreepMC versions for Before Release 1.3  Minecraft, for some mod loaders make sure you download the client version for single player, and the server version for a multiplayer server.

FeatureCreep Legacy (NO LONGER REOMMENDED ONLY FOR ARCHIVAL PURPOSES, We recommend FeatureCreep 4 now)


Versions 3/2,x Do not have this Feature. Please Note the Loader in its current state has lots of issues and almost no content is in them yet, if you want content go for either 3 Nightly or 2,4 ESR

This mod aims to add many features from many mods from past versions of Minecraft and current ones as well as from other games, and make our own multi-version, multi-game mod which has features and ideas from many of your favourite mods of the past. This can be helpful as many mods were not updated, or some computers run older versions of Minecraft Better, or it is a feature not even within Minecraft.

Some things include Emerald Armour, Amethyst Armour, Sapphire Armour, Optimised Tools, Oil, A tool which can mine a huge amount of stone leaving only the Ores, many new resources, many kinds of Golden (Butter) foods, and more.

We currently have builds for Forge 1.6.4,Forge&LiteLoader&Meddle 1.12.2, Forge 1.16.5, Rift 1.13.2, Fabric & Forge 1.17.x, Forge & Fabric 1.18.x, Fabric 1.19 Secret Experimental, but we plan to support more in the future.

We only use Original Textures, Models, or Code unless we have explicit permission from the authors.

Images Coming Soon


4.0 ESR PreReleases Recommended

3,0 Nighly  Only recommended for content on supported versions

2,4ESR Only recommended for content